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Transforming Retail Insights: NZA

NZA's Journey with Microsoft Fabric

Transforming Retail Insights: NZA's Journey with Microsoft Fabric

In the fast-paced world of retail, staying ahead requires more than just keeping up with trends—it demands actionable insights derived from data. For NZA New Zealand Auckland, a leading fashion retailer, this meant reimagining their data strategy to harness the power of their information.


NZA had a challenging task of consolidating data from multiple sources, including crucial sales, stock, and store traffic data from platforms like RetailStars. However, this data arrived in disparate files within an SFTP folder, posing a significant challenge to efficiently process and analyse it on a daily basis.


The implementation was a collaborative effort between DataOps House, the development experts, and NZA. Together, we strategically harnessed Microsoft Fabric, utilising its robust data pipeline and containerization capabilities. Through careful planning and execution, we developed an innovative solution that automated the process of navigating the SFTP folder, ingesting data daily, and facilitating incremental loading for our data model.

Specifically, we used a Fabric Pipeline along with Azure Data Factory (ADF) activities to loop through the SFTP folder and perform incremental daily ingestion into a set of tables within the Fabric Warehouse.

  • Project Deliverables:

    01 Azure Landing Zone and MS Fabric Setup:

    Azure Landing Zone and MS Fabric Setup: NZA received comprehensive assistance in setting up their Azure subscription and configuring Microsoft Fabric within their environment. This included guidance on account provisioning, subscription management, and fine-tuning Microsoft Fabric to seamlessly integrate with NZA's existing infrastructure.

    02 Fabric Capacity Configuration:

    Additionally, DataOps House provided support in configuring the Fabric capacity, ensuring optimal performance and scalability for NZA's data operations. This involved fine-tuning the capacity settings to align with NZA's data processing requirements and future growth plans.

    03 DataOps House handled end-to-end data infrastructure setup

    Including pipeline development, workspace deployment, table creation, data modelling, and job scheduling


    Before embarking on this journey, NZA New Zealand Auckland lacked a robust data platform to consolidate and analyse their critical retail data. However, through their collaboration with DataOps House and the strategic adoption of Microsoft Fabric, NZA has successfully transformed its data strategy. Now equipped with Fabric, NZA has a scalable and efficient data platform in place, enabling them to extract actionable insights from their diverse datasets. This initiative represents a significant milestone in NZA's journey towards data-driven decision-making in the retail sector, empowering them to stay ahead in the fast-paced world of fashion retail.

    Ready to unlock the full potential of your data? Our expert team can transform your data strategy. Stay tuned for more success stories and industry insights, or reach out now to request a personalised consultation and kickstart your data journey with us!

    David Ribeiro

    Data Engineer - Dataops House

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