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Our data platform is build on a winning combination of open source tooling, all selected for the right purpose. A Modular Framework which combine the best of development application for data ingestion with Ops capabilities to automate the end-to-end solution in a parameterizable and scalable way.

DataBoat Modules

How does Modular Framework work?

Using a multi cloud agnostic automated modules which setup all components needed to perform data transformation  using IaC (Infrastructure as code) with traceability of change and predictability of the final cost plus (+) an Application module capable to plug-in-play in your stack and  accelerate the data ingestion/transformation in your data environment.

All the practices used in DataOps Platform is referenced from the market, which means that, any professional from the market are capable to operate the daily basis using the modular framework

This means saving time and money hiring consultants to  in your data strategy and focus only on business problems. And there is also the Adaptability in an existing stack in any cloud, making it possible to reuse existing codes and incorporate them into the framework.

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DataBoat stands out from the competition:

DataBoat combines all the functions you need into one platform. Take a look at the table to explore the full range of features Databoat can provide and discover why it stands out like nothing else in the market today.

MultCloud adapter

Multi Connectors

Get and move data anywhere

Active data cross your most used Marketing and Sales Tools.

Give all your team the data they need, to act with confidence. 

Get data that you can trust and operationalize data across the business.

No Black Box

You have the control over your data and the code used to transform it, easily accepting customization without extra cost.

Plugging play

it's easy to implement in your existing stack and start using it immediately.

Data Driven / Data Centric

Ensuring the execution of your data strategy, making your company’s ready future.


Bringing together all the functionalities you need in a single platform.

AI / Machine Learning

Compute engine and trained models for your data science team.

Complete in a single journey

Ingestion, engineering, science and data visualisation in a single journey.


Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

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