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Tobiloba Arotimi

Full stack software Engineer

Hard-working software developer who has developed a programming skills with determination and grit.

she is proficient in web development technologies such as Javascript, React, and Redux-js and am eager to  solve complex problems in programming.


"I have completed multiple certificates in programming which indicates my constant willingness to learn and challenge myself professionally."


2022 - Javascript and Data Algorithms Freecodecamp.

2020 - Nano Degree in Digital Marketing, Udacity, USA.

2019 - Full-stack Developer. TECH STUDIO ACADEMY.

2017 - Higher National Diploma

Estate Management and Valuation, Nigeria

Professional skills

HTML, CSS,SASS,Bootstrap, Javascript, React, Redux, Typescript, On-page & Off-page SEO.

Teamwork & Collaboration

Good Problem-solving skills

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